AdminBroken TuskMar-09-2024 3:52 PMThere's been a lot of speculation about when the next Predator movie is going to take place in history. Prey took place in the year 1719, but Badlands won't be directly linked to that film, being a stand-alone movie.
First off, we should take a look at what "Badlands" are. According to this:
The first humans to see this area were Native Americans. Modern tribes like the Lakota called this land "mako sica" (mah-koh see-kah). This has been translated into "badlands." Some of the first European explorers came up with similar names. French traders called it a "bad land to travel."
The most well-known Badlands are located in southwestern South Dakota.
Given the distinction and description, we can assume Badlands will again take place in the past rather than the future - in a time when European settlers were making their way across North America - specifically in what becomes - South Dakota.
However, it is important to note that the term Badlands is not exclusive to that region, it just happens to be well known for it. There are Badlands located all across North America - many in Alberta, Canada as well. The term essentially refers to any terrain that is treacherous to travel on.
Based on this information however, my best guess is that Badlands will take place sometime in winter in the year 1889 - given that's when South Dakota was founded. The only hiccup to that theory is that the Predator usually prefers hot climates to hunt in, but given Alien vs. Predator, we know they're not opposed to hunting in the snow.
What do YOU think? Do you agree?