First Impressions: Do you think Prey (2022) will be better than The Predator (2018)?

AdminBroken TuskNov-13-2021 10:50 AMGiven the plot outline for both films, with the overall negative reaction to Shane Black's THE PREDATOR back in 2018, do you think Dan Trachtenberg's PREY will fare better with Predator fans and audiences?
Keep in mind this is a first impression poll, so we have very very little to go by for PREY until we see a first teaser trailer.
Given the different timeline and the promise of taking the franchise back to its roots has be optimistic for PREY. THE PREDATOR failed to capture the essence of the 1987 original despite Black's best efforts.
What do you think? Vote and sound off below!

G. H. (Gman)
AdminSuper PredatorNov-13-2021 9:39 PMYes.
On the count that The Predator is as low of a bar as you could achieve in not just this franchise, but many others.

MemberYoung BloodNov-14-2021 10:55 AMI miss the answer: "It will be bad equally". :D Well, maybe it will be a bit better, because the main predator will be a classic predator played by an actor in the suit. But the story will be stupid equally. I can't help myself I feel a big feminist cliché from that. (Lately, it has not been very successful to write a good and believable main female character.)

MemberElder PredatorNov-14-2021 1:05 PMG. H. (Gman)
Yes we finally agree on something

G. H. (Gman)
AdminSuper PredatorNov-14-2021 4:50 PMmailia,
Nothing in Dan Trachtenberg's resume suggests it could possibly be anything as awful as The Predator without overwhelming studio meddling.

MemberElder PredatorNov-14-2021 6:12 PMmailia
I think its too early to tell

MemberElder PredatorNov-14-2021 6:12 PMThat being said, I sure hope its better than Shane Black's atrocious attempts at making a Predator movie.

MemberFugitive PredatorNov-15-2021 7:18 AMI am on the FENCE with this.....
It depends on Execution and so i DOUBT it would be as BAD as The Predator (WHICH WAS AWFUL). That Movies Plot was GOOD... it worked... the Writing of the Script the Execution of it and the Stupidness in some of the TECH and the Goofyness of some of the Movie made it AWFUL..... shame as the Barebones of the Plot Worked.
With PREY its too Early to tell...... The Plot could be Interesting, the Effects.... but it Depends on the Execution and i think we have some HOPE that this Movie should be more SERIOUS.
But i kinda have a Hunch where this is going... and well it may RUB some People up the Wrong Way.... but it could give a NEW Dimension to the Predators Technology ;)
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberYoung BloodApr-23-2022 7:12 AMI need to see some trails to make an honest opinion but on what I had seen at read so far its going to be no better then the Shane Blacks. its an action monster sci fi film but black was based to much on comedy and the characters weren't established in connection to what the first Predator
its like the own producers do not respect that the Predator is the star who dhows upto fuck up everybody now its focus on one perpose all.the last one should of take on the cops cause they intervene then take on all until last one...badass shit.. nobody wants to see basic , unfit looking unskilled people taking on a well seasoned warrior. that's lame and the predator looks corny and getting killed by them is weak.
which is not parallel to the first flim.

MemberYoung BloodApr-30-2022 6:47 AMI don't think it's going to be any better because the best fights are when your openents looks like theyy can kick your ass easy and a woman shows no respect for all the predator's Galactic warrior catalog. and she just got a bad attitude..not fair so its going to suck on that part but the actions seens may be good.

MemberElder PredatorSep-01-2024 9:23 AMFinally watched Prey, Good movie!