What if a new Predator movie was filmed, entirely from the Predators perspective!

MemberYoung BloodAug-25-2022 7:54 PMPersonally i think this would be a pretty cool idea for the Trilogy, that way we would get to learn more about the Predators feelings, lore, and colony. opinions? :D

MemberBloodedAug-27-2022 1:36 PMThat would be awesome, maybe a story of a Predator climbing up the ranks with a post credit scene as a clan leader hehe

MemberElder PredatorAug-27-2022 2:39 PMI would pay to see that

MemberAlien HunterAug-31-2022 7:19 AMNah, it would take the mystery out of the monster, kind of how they did with the monster-vision in Alien Covenant. As far as I know, that was in the end of the movie. I don't say that the monster-vision in Covenant was totally damaging, but it wasn't good. Movies shouldn't explain everything, discussing is half of the fun.

MemberBloodedAug-31-2022 8:54 AMThoughts_Dreams
I stand with Xenotaris, you need to watch the predator movies as you have no idea about them.

MemberBloodedAug-31-2022 8:56 AMNot calling you dumb but the movies really do not remove the mystery. As the predators already have so much extended media yet no explanation where they are from.

MemberElder PredatorAug-31-2022 10:21 AMThen you have the plethora of Predator comics that features the yautja as a protagonist, AVP 1989 is my favorite AVP comic thus far but the noevlization was bit better since they gave the predator characters names and goals.