
New concept art shows predators working with scientists inside "AREA52"
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MemberBloodedDec-01-2018 12:26 PM

From Shane Baxley's Artstation page.

6 Replies


MemberElder PredatorDec-01-2018 1:57 PM

Great concept art MU/TH/UR. It seems to follow the novels with Predators working with Humans.

I love the concept are because you're able to review details impossible to see in the film.


AdminBroken TuskFeb-24-2019 3:24 PM

Always love looking through concept art for these films, although I wish the film actually shared some of these visuals. Too often, great artwork goes unused.

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberFugitive PredatorFeb-25-2019 6:27 AM

The ones aboard the Ship are interesting as they show some of the Hybrids the Predators have, the Plot for The Predator (Race who go around Genetically Altering Life and trying to obtain traits to Evolve themselves). Does mirror the Engineers Plot a little.

And the Markings on the Urns of Black Goo do have that Predator Yautja look about them.

Something that a AVP Reboot could expand upon!

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberJungle HunterFeb-25-2019 8:29 AM

BigDave the second mask seems inspired by the Enclave Power armor from Fallout... How about the predator on a Mad Max inspired world,  without cloaking abilities...


MemberFugitive PredatorFeb-26-2019 3:27 AM

Ha Ha, that would be interesting...

Funny you bring that up.. because during the Production of The Predator, i was interpreting the Plot as maybe showing us Humans had Captured Predators in some AREA 51 like place, and then Re-Engineered their Technology, but then some Predators Escape (Embassy Predators)  and we would have a Predators with Human Tech VS Military with Predator Tech..

I think that would have been interesting...

But as more got released about the Movie and the Trailers it kind of put such a Plot Interpretation to Bed!

The Technology is what set the Predators apart.. without it they was just a 7-8ft Humanoid, that would have the Strength that would be like a Adult 6ft 180-190lb Male vs a 6-8 year old Child.

Give that Child a Samurai Sword or a Assault Riffle and that changes the Disadvantage completely.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFugitive PredatorFeb-26-2019 3:31 AM

I think whats interesting with the Concept of Area 52 is it shows that we have a Predator who is willing to work with Human Scientist/Military in Improving the Technology of our Military Weapons.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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