
Looking for a top quality Predator costume manufacturer
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17784 Views3 Replies


AdminBroken TuskOct-20-2018 5:15 PM

I am currently on the hunt (lol) for a supplier / manufacturer of a top quality Predator cosplay costume. Costumes that Halloween stores sell for Predator are sadly lacking any realism and for $100, usually they're made fairly cheaply.

There is some truly remarkable Predator cosplay displayed at various conventions around the world and although I know most of them are hand crafted by the wearers and usually run cosplayers thousands of dollars to create, for a first time cosplayer who works a schedule which doesn't allow for building one's own suit, my question to the community is - WHO IS THE BEST?

If you are a cosplayer or have recommendations of those who are and are open to creating custom orders for others, please share below!

I am personally looking to hire someone who can build me a decent Predator suit for next year's Halloween.

As a bonus, any manufacturers or cosplayers looking to highlight their work are welcome to get in touch below as well or via private message here on site! I would be happy to help advertise their talent on this site and across the Scified network.

If you know of anyone who might be able to help, send them my way!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
3 Replies


MemberYoung BloodOct-20-2018 5:39 PM

Look up Scott Marshall, Josh Jones and Lee Hurley... they are some of the Predator suit builders. Go from there.


MemberYoung BloodOct-21-2018 6:46 AM

Hello! I maybe able to assist. I have built 4 suits for myself and clients and have many connections to other suit builders. Cheers!


AdminBroken TuskOct-21-2018 7:04 AM

Thanks very much!

@Losthunterssanctum, I love the suits! I'm currently building a list of the builders I plan to contact. I will add you to that list!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
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