MemberYoung BloodSep-16-2018 6:26 PMWith The Predator out now, lets support it. Otherwise there will be little incentive for them to continue the sequels. In saying that, I wish they would take into account what the fans want. I think that we should look at this new movie with "fresh" eyes, and not compare it to others, as it is obviously well set up for better sequels...that is if they would give the fans what they want...So, what do people want to see?? I want to see more action! Less faffing around with 'omg what is that, what is going on?' and less running around getting nothing done. That was my biggest criticism of the movie - not enough fighting action etc. It's time we saw more of the predator characters and interaction with others too.

AdminBroken TuskSep-20-2018 7:41 PMYep, regardless of what you wish to compare it to I think Predator fans should support the film and see it if anything at least to support the franchise itself so we get more Predator movies.

MemberCity HunterSep-21-2018 2:56 AMI'm going to see it the second time this Saturday mostly because I don't want to wait 10-15 years before we get the next film in the franchise. Also I want to see more of the fugitive predator as I kind of missed it first time.
I love to look this ugly MF in the eyes.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberJungle HunterSep-21-2018 8:32 AMIt seems legit to support movies you don't like only to get what? Other movies you will not like?
Fox, try harder.

MemberElder PredatorSep-21-2018 2:38 PMI did like this film, except the direction of the ending. But yes FOX try harder, please dont make the sequel an Iron Man / Transformers / Avengers film....
Perhaps the suit itself does not need to be the "Predator-Killer" but is only a tool for a human to reach the predator-killer?
Just throwing ideas out but perhaps McKenna needs the suit to access the fugitive clans Yautja orbital Dyson Sphere that was taken from them by the other Yautja. He takes a team on-board, explores, finds lots of history and lore of the Yautja. kills a few pred's with the suit then gains the research data to halt their genetic upgrading.

MemberSuper PredatorSep-21-2018 8:37 PMAgree about support. Although I can't see it yet, I did buy 4 tickets for others to enjoy. Support is support I suppose.

MemberYoung BloodApr-03-2019 3:10 AMYou can use MovieBox Profession application to watch movies for free.