
Who is your favorite Predator from all the movies

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MemberYoung BloodSep-04-2013 5:18 PM
Who is your favorite predator from the movies Mine would be scar or rave.
21 Replies


MemberJungle HunterSep-04-2013 6:09 PM
Definitely the original from Predator

Not a map, an invitation


MemberBloodedSep-04-2013 6:26 PM
Yeah same here 'Anytime' from the first movie.


MemberYoung BloodSep-04-2013 7:13 PM
Yea the first pred was pretty cool but wat about rave or SCAR


MemberBloodedSep-05-2013 2:46 PM
Which one is 'Rave'? I've never heard any of them called that before.


MemberYoung BloodSep-05-2013 4:28 PM
Rave is what you call the celtic predator and the chopper his name is vauhn I think that's how you spell it im a AVP and predator adict


AdminBroken TuskSep-05-2013 4:44 PM
Yeah, never heard of him referred to as 'Rave', only ever 'Celtic'. But in this case, I would have to say the original Predator, hands down.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

Hunter's Moon

MemberYoung BloodSep-05-2013 8:36 PM
From the movies, I'd say Jungle Hunter from the original Predator. If you expand the parameters to books/comics also, my choice would change to Dachande/Broken Tusk.


MemberYoung BloodSep-05-2013 10:01 PM
Celtic Predator looked the coolest, but he died pretty easily. Gonna have to jump on the bandwagon though and go with the original Jungle Hunter. Wristblades and and Plasma Caster like a bamf. I also really liked the main predator from Predator: Concrete Jungle (the game)

Wolf, Earth Xenomorph Hunter

MemberYoung BloodDec-22-2013 11:19 AM
I would go with Wolf on this one.

I Meme Everything

MemberElder PredatorNov-19-2016 7:09 AM


"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberYoung BloodDec-14-2016 9:34 AM

I would say Wolf I love Wolf but I really have to say Greyback!!!


MemberYoung BloodFeb-11-2017 10:42 AM

I would have to say the OG Predator (with Gort helmet)... 


MemberYoung BloodMay-24-2017 8:49 PM

city hunter.

pred 2 all the way...


MemberElder PredatorMay-24-2017 9:59 PM

I liked the idea behind Falconer in Predators, especially being the Pred drone aeriel scout.... The mask was fresh and original. He was a scout. Lightly armoured, fast with a deadly looking single blade.

Wolf a close second. There was a personality to him, something a lot of the other predators lacked.

Jungle Hunter is the most iconic of course


MemberYoung BloodMar-17-2018 5:38 AM

Jungle Hunter, Wolf and Elder (from Predator 2).

The City Hunter is too reckless in Predator 2 and leaves a lot of equipment behind.

From the books/comics, I actually like Female Predators and would like to see more of them:

Female Yautja


MemberSuper PredatorMay-16-2018 11:01 PM

OG for me although the AVP  was pretty cool too.


MemberElder PredatorMay-17-2018 12:53 AM

1. Jungle Hunter (Original Predator)

2. Dachande (Aliens Versus Predator: Prey)

3. Wolf (AVP: Requiem)

4. City Hunter (Predator 2)

5. Predator Prince (Aliens versus Predator 2)

6. Falconer (Predators)

7. Berserker (Predators)

8. Mr. Black (Predators)

9. Crucified Predator (Predators)

10. Scarface (Predator: Concrete Jungle)



MemberElder PredatorMay-17-2018 1:03 AM

Xenotaris Dachande! What a legend, forgot about him 

Great choice!!


MemberFugitive PredatorMay-17-2018 5:57 AM

Going by Movies alone they all seem the same pretty much...  for me there is not a massive difference in appearance...  The AVP movies did try and portray different Characters for the Predators.

I do like the Original Best, but the AVP Scar and Predators Falconer Predator were also good

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

kyle little

MemberYoung BloodJul-23-2018 7:59 AM

the first pred is just so animalistic but scary smart at the same time 

kyle little

MemberYoung BloodJul-23-2018 8:01 AM

wolf predator is the first thing since the first to be that cool and calculated, a shame that movie just wasnt good 


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