
Watch the Ultimate Predator's skin change in new The Predator TV spot!
Scified2018-08-11 10:08:08
Written by Chris16,184 Reads8 Comments2018-08-11 10:08:08

It appears the new Ultimate Predator in Shane Black's The Predator has the ability to change its skin rapidly like a Chameleon! In a recent TV spot released by the official Italian 20th Century Fox YouTube channel, you can see the skin changing right as the Ultimate Predator approaches the Fugitive Predator after slamming it on a car hood! The clip in question starts at 3 seconds in and only lasts for barely 2 seconds. You will want to slow the video down however, to about 0.25 of its normal speed and make sure you're watching the clip in 1080p quality to catch the changes!

This also suggests the Ultimate Predator may not utilize cloaking technology like its less-evolved brethren. What do you think of this evolutionary advantage? Let us know in the comments section below!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberSuper PredatorAug-11-2018 9:18 PM

I watched this for a while and do not see the change.


MemberYoung BloodAug-12-2018 5:42 AM

In this other spot released by the official Italian 20th Century Fox YouTube channel (start at second 19), you can better see the skin changing.
I also created a gif:


MemberYoung BloodAug-12-2018 5:50 AM



AdminBroken TuskAug-12-2018 8:16 AM

That GIF is much better, thank you! I've added it to the OP.


MemberSuper PredatorAug-12-2018 10:09 PM

Sorry to say it but this reminds me of the rage-inducing John Connor-inator:


MemberFugitive PredatorAug-13-2018 6:48 AM

I think while this movie seems to touch upon Genetic Altering/Evolution  and so taking Traits from a Chameleon fits well within this context.

I think it may be  a nice change, but i still think the Predators Technological Cloak is better.   I guess if Predators can combined a Genetic Cloaking Method with the Technology then this would be a great advantage especially as they would have some Cloaking Ability in Water now. (Chameleon Trait)


MemberJungle HunterAug-13-2018 6:52 AM

Can this be meant not for cloaking a form of skin hardening?


MemberFugitive PredatorAug-13-2018 8:31 AM

Certainly having Cells become Harder as some kind of Armour is very interesting. ;)   Who knows it could be Both... if this is a Genetically Enhanced Predator where it has taken Traits from Many Organisms then anything is possible.

As long as it does-not sprout Wings and Fly ;)

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