
UPDATE: Director Shane Black insinuates Predator 4 does NOT take place in the suburbs!
Scified2016-11-04 07:17:36
Written by Chris7,777 Reads3 Comments2016-11-04 07:17:36

Director Shane Black has taken to Twitter this morning, following reports yesterday by The Hollywood Reporter, after they divulged new plot details concern the upcoming Predator 4 film "The Predator". In their report, THR announced the casting of Olivia Munn and that she would play a scientist in the film, opposite Boyd Holbrook, who would be playing a Special Forces Commando. What peaked our curiosity however, was the statement that The Predator would take place in Suburbia - something that did not immediately sit well with fans.

Despite THR having a relatively solid track record when it comes to scoops, director Shane Black has seemingly confirmed that the statement about Predator 4 taking place in the suburbs, is simply not true:

He makes no mention about Olivia Munn's casting, her character, or the reveal of Boyd Holbrook's character. So, we can assume those details remain accurate for now.

To the relief of many Predator fans, it does not look like The Predator will be taking place in the suburbs after all.

As new details surface, be sure to check for the latest updates!

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Darth Shiro

MemberJungle HunterNov-04-2016 7:20 AM

In the forest will be awesome!


MemberBloodedNov-05-2016 9:31 AM

Not too surprising they wouldn't actually use the suburbs, we saw the reaction to being put in the city


AdminBroken TuskNov-08-2016 6:32 AM

I don't think The Predator will be set in any one specific location for the entire duration of the film. I would personally love to see it set in a military facility, where the government has been testing on Predators for years - and either one escapes, or a band of new Predators come to destroy it, similar to the game Predator: Concrete Jungle.

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