
The Script for Shane Black's Predator 4 Movie is Complete!
Scified2015-11-30 09:15:15
Written by Chris4,010 Reads1 Comments2015-11-30 09:15:15

Finally, the script for Shane Black's highly anticipated Predator 4 movie has been completed! Posting on his own Facebook page recently, screenwriter Fred Dekker shared a comical drawing of a Predator by a 7-year old named Angus Herdon. The caption reads "A character from the new screenplay we just turned in".

Previously, producer John Davis had commented on the production of Predator 4, saying: “Shane shot a movie and he’s doing a pilot now, but I’ve read a lot of his script and I think it’s genius. I think it’s genius and I think it’s entertaining, and what it did is recreate a famous franchise in a different, interesting way; looking at it from a different light. He’s just an amazing writer-director. He’s got a way of looking at this that makes you excited again. I love this franchise. It was the first movie I ever did. I remember in being in the jungle with Arnold [Schwarzenegger] as a 28-year-old and going, ‘This is a fun business!’…Shane’s amazing. He’s an amazing storyteller.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger also recently discussed the upcoming Predator sequel, but unfortunately said that he had not yet been contacted about a role in the film.

As we await the studio greenlight, what we know so far about Predator 4 is that the film is not a complete reboot of the franchise, but a reboot of its sequels. From what we know so far, Predator 4 will take place after the events of the first Predator film, but before the events of Predator 2 and will likely have little to no connection to Predators.

Speaking of Predators as well, it was also confirmed early on that Robert Rodriguez would not be involved in he making of Predator 4. As more news surfaces, be sure to keep an eye on Scified!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberYoung BloodNov-30-2015 12:16 PM

We know that the original movie started off with a spacecraft delivering the Predator to it would be really COOL if the Earthlings engaged in conflict with a space travel capable alien; some space scenes with quickly developed space fighters!! Perhaps using the British "SKYLON" engine....there could be scenes of Generals and NASA folks talking (strong scenes in a "WTF can we do and how soon?" excitement level) taslking about the X15 and SR-71 and quickly developing a space fighter (and space refueling stations/ships) utilizing lasers (as Boeing and Ratheon have developed). instead of missiles and guns. Could be opposed to just another urban or jungle ground based encounter. These Aliens even have a tactical nuclear device strapped to their wrist, plus their shoulder laser, as well as a near visibility cloak technology...So why would the producers limit it to a ground based conflict? IF you were an alien and had all that capability wouldn't you have a flying vehicle? Hell, even BATMAN has a flying vehicle!!

That said it should remain separate from the "ALIEN" or "STAR WARS" story lines....just us versus them....
In the second movie the predator of the first film was a criminal. Perhaps he could be part of a roving band of planet exploitationists, as opposed to being in a world vs world conjflict. It could be like our world versus a "pirate" ship of attackers. Possibly a large mother ship, from which the original space craft delivered the first Predator. 


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