
The Predator (Predator 4) movie trailer releasing in 4 months!
Scified2017-09-23 01:49:41
Written by Gavin48,924 Reads5 Comments2017-09-23 01:49:41

Although filming wrapped back in June it looks like fans and critics of Shane Black's The Predator will have to wait until the new year for a trailer according to a recent tweet from the director himself.

Had the movie remained at its March, or even its amended February release date we would no doubt have had a trailer by now, but with the movies release having been delayed until August 3rd, 2018, and no doubt in reaction to the growing negativity towards the standalone, same universe non-sequel, it is starting to look as though Twentieth Century Fox and director Black holding out as late as possible before truly beginning the movies marketing campaign.

Typically the first teaser and trailer for a movie is released six months before the release date and usually while the movie is still in post-production with the director and editor assembling the movie. With an August release date we can expect a trailer around February 2018, but with the movies original release dates of March and February it would be likely that there would be enough footage assembled to release, at the very least an early teaser. Such a teaser would not only build up anticipation and hype for the movie, but could possibly silence, or at the very least mute the movies critics.

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



AdminBroken TuskSep-23-2017 8:07 AM

Excellent news! Really looking forward to this trailer.


MemberJungle HunterJan-09-2018 7:54 AM

That's a long wait! Although, I actually try to avoid everything except the first trailer for something I want to see, so these late marketing campaigns (for this and Solo) is actually ideal. I'm getting super excited for The Predator!


MemberFugitive PredatorJan-09-2018 8:24 AMWaiting two months before release before we get any Trailers at all... I wonder what they are hiding? From some buzz thats been going around, i hope the movie is not going to be a disapointment. We know so little so its been kept a but hush hush, i think maybe this is a good thing.


MemberBloodedJan-09-2018 8:40 AM

Bigdave, I heard the test showings had awful responses! They said its even cheesier and goofier than SW Last Jedi. 


MemberFugitive PredatorJan-09-2018 9:06 AM

Yep me too...   it appears the Plot is also a bit well not too original.

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