
The Predator Trailer Analysis: Super Predator Wrist Blade Weaponry
Scified2018-05-21 13:04:23
Written by Chris21,311 Reads2 Comments2018-05-21 13:04:23

Wrist Blades. An iconic weapon at every Predator's disposal. These close-quarter melee gauntlets have been featured in every single Predator film since 1987 and ever since Predator 2, the design and usage of this particular weapon has evolved with every subsequent installment. Alien vs. Predator (2004) introduced us to an extremely elongated version of the Wrist Blade, as well as dual-Wrist Blades which the unblooded young hunters used against their Xenomorph prey. In Predators (2010) the standard Wrist Blades were reserved for the iconic Yautja fans dubbed "Jungle Hunter", while the film's new super race Predator, appropriately named Super Predators utilized a long, single blade Wrist Gauntlet. This was the fist and only instance where the dual Wrist Blade was swapped for a singular blade. It was also unique to this specific Super Predator sub-specie.

Why is this relevant? Because in the first trailer for Shane Black's The Predator, we are given a glimpse at one of the film's Predators and during one of the cut-scenes we are shown one Predator using a similar, single blade Wrist Blade!

Not only this, but the functionality of this blade mimics that of the Berserker Predator's Wrist Blade in Predators! At the end of Predators, the Berserker is shot by Isabelle's sniper rifle - a daring move to save Royce. However after being shot the Berserker turns quickly and shoots the Wrist Blade out of its gauntlet and manages to pin Isabelle with it, striking her shoulder.

In The Predator trailer, this new Predator also launches its Wrist Blade in the exact same fashion:

What does this mean? Well, we know Predators is canon to this series, according to Shane Black. This means Super Predators exist. We also know The Predator will feature larger, evolved Predators than the Hunters witnessed before. Putting two and two together, we can theorize that the Predators in The Predator may in fact be a category of Super Predator after all! If so, this could lead to new information regarding the Super Predator species, expanding the mythology even further than what Predators did. However if not, that means we have a third tier of Predator specie, who have advanced their weaponry and technology even further than the Super Predator race. Where do they fall in the Predator food chain? Are they too prey to the Super Predators or do they hunt the smaller, iconic Yautja as well? Do they hunt Super Predators?! So many questions. Very few answers.

Have a theory? Sound off in the comments below or in the Predator forum!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberFugitive PredatorMay-21-2018 2:28 PM

I have a feeling we could be seeing a connection between all the Predator Movies...

So they may run with a Plot that after the Predator Encounter from the 1987 Movie... we get the Predators come back to earth in Predator 2.

And maybe they then come back from this point now and again, and take Humans away just as we see in Predators and they then begin to incorporate some Human Traits to their Genetics.  So the New Movie Plot could explain the Super Predators in the last movie they did as being PART of the EXPERIMENTS the Predators conducted on themselves by using DNA of other Species.

This PLOT could expand the Predator Franchise beyond Predators visiting Earth, to actually showing us other Worlds, Races and Predators.... and so maybe like a Ridley Scotts War of the Worlds... only NO Xenomorphs, Androids and Engineers.... But Predators and other Species they encounter in the Galaxy.


MemberElder PredatorMay-21-2018 10:00 PM


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