
The Predator will reference Alien vs. Predator and other Predator movies!
Scified2018-05-30 19:18:30
Written by Chris22,186 Reads9 Comments2018-05-30 19:18:30

In a fresh interview with The Predator movie cast member Keegan-Michael Key, we learn that the film will make reference to every other Predator film, including Predator 2, Predators and will also make reference to the Alien vs. Predator movies:

This picture contains a little bit of that as well as some great referential stuff – not just to the original movie, but to Predator 2 and every other movie in the franchise, including the Alien vs. Predator franchise. It pulls pieces from all of the movies. The way he references the movies is really clever, especially if you’re a huge Predator fan, and I’m a huuuuuge fan of this universe.

Keegan also goes on to express how unique Shane Black's approach to the Predator franchise has been and how the film is very plot-driven, but with characters you can get attached to:

It’s plot-driven and it has a meta quality to it at the same time, yet still he has room for character development. He hits the trifecta. Sometimes I think in action movies you can go, “I understand the story, but I don’t have any idea who he is, what he cares about, or who he’s married to.” I want that connection to a character so the stakes go through the roof. Our goal here is to make sure that if anybody perishes or is put in jeopardy, that you’re really going to be invested in these people.

Some fans have expressed concern about having a child as one of the lead characters of the film, but Keegan puts those concerns to rest as well:

Well, you can’t lose with this kid. This kid is the best actor in the movie. Unfortunately, I don’t get a lot of scenes with Jake [Tremblay]. He’s such a terrific kid and he’s a consummate professional. He’s way more professional than all of us – we’re just goofing off all the time.

You can read the full interview over on SlashFilm!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberSuper PredatorMay-30-2018 9:45 PM

Great news! There could be some nice directions to go for both franchises.


MemberElder PredatorMay-30-2018 11:37 PM

I re-watched all the Predator films last weekend. Getting keen for this film.

Predators is a good film. I enjoy it more each time I watch it


MemberSuper PredatorMay-31-2018 1:26 AM

I am deliberately not watching the films. I know that I love P1 and AVP. The others not so much. I am jazzed that AVP will be acknowledged! AVPR can suck it though. 


MemberFugitive PredatorMay-31-2018 8:58 AM

Nice to see they realize that good characters will help the movie... i am concerned about the connection to AVP though... hopefully it is just a Easter Egg and Nothing more..


AdminBroken TuskMay-31-2018 10:04 AM

Yeah, I don't think the references will be overly profound at all. Could very well be just the weaponry, like the Shuriken.


MemberFugitive PredatorMay-31-2018 3:15 PM

Seeing the Types of Predator/Equipment and Weaponry from the AVP Series would be something interesting/welcomed.   


MemberAlien HunterJun-04-2018 10:30 PM

yea I agree. some of the tech from AVP was good so would be welcomed in the Predator but I don't see it going much farther than that. I think Black is smart enough to not just white wash the avp franchise as he can then bring elements, such as the tech, he liked into his film without ppl calling him out on it. the only thing I really want to see is someone attempt a little backstory to the yautja. doesn't have to completely reveal everything about them but if we start getting little bits n pieces then id be happy and then possibly someone can come along and give us something similar to the idea RS was going for in his alien prequels. id like to see the connection to the tech and the civilisation. their obviously smart enough to use the tech but is it theirs?


MemberFugitive PredatorJun-06-2018 7:24 AM

It could be the Genetic Engineering Element could in part introduce us to another Aspect of the Yautja, could maybe even explain why the Hunt Species... and Capture some to take to other Worlds (Predators) if they use this to assess different Species Ability to Survive the Hunt they could then try and Genetically Obtain Traits from those Species.



MemberAlien HunterJun-06-2018 7:41 AM

it would make sense if their goal is to become the ultimate species. if they see that for their species to last they must know how to fight and overcome all so its totally possible that they have decided to use their technology to incorporate the strengths of others into themselves believing if they have everyone elses strengths then theres nothing any attacking species can do to them. would also make sense if they saw themselves as THE dominant species in the galaxy one day? an all conquering race

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