
The Predator Reboot will be more of a Sequel than a Remake
Scified2014-06-25 18:23:41
Written by Chris3,070 Reads8 Comments2014-06-25 18:23:41

Following last night'snews of Fox's plans to reboot the Predator franchise, writer and director of the upcoming franchise rebirth, Shane Black recently clarified that the film will not necessarily be a direct remake of the original, but more of a sequel. This update comes to us from Collider who recently had the opportunity to sit down with Shane to discuss this new title.

During the interview, Shane commented by saying the following:

While the initial report said that Black’s new Predator film would be a reboot, Black tells us that he and Dekker see the project as definitely not a reboot, “As far as Fred and I are concerned anyway,” Black said, adding “Why start over, when you’ve all this rich mythology yet to mine?”  Black said he doesn’t like reboots generally, but can “really get behind inventive sequels”, noting that he likes “the idea of expanding and exploring the existing Predator mythology, rather than hitting the restart button.”  He went on to say that Dekker, who’s writing the screenplay, is “perfect” for the project, adding the two had a blast writing the screenplay for The Monster Squad together.  Indeed, the result of their previous collaboration makes the prospect of the new Predator film even more enticing.

So, it seems this Predator reboot will be handled in a similar way that Universal is with Jurassic World

Source: Collider

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberCity HunterJun-26-2014 3:19 AM

Wow the
Coming thick and
When 's alien
Due ??

Dean Salter

MemberYoung BloodJun-26-2014 7:31 AM

This isn't a reeboot oduodu › it's a sequal!

And of all people I am glad Shane Black is being trusted with the script, for how Influental he was to the original movie and the fact he generally shows a passion for it


MemberCity HunterJun-26-2014 9:34 AM

Point taken

Do you perhaps 
Know where in
The time line
It will fit in ??


AdminBroken TuskJun-26-2014 9:58 AMNot sure really.


MemberJungle HunterJun-26-2014 11:02 AM

Man that's great news! When the news first broke, I got pretty nevous, but this osunds like its gonna god damned awesome!!!!


MemberYoung BloodJul-09-2014 9:23 AM

hope it has a tie in with all of the movies and not just the first one

La Selva

MemberYoung BloodJul-19-2014 2:24 PM

I hope it keeps the mystery and suspense like the first one. I would also like to see more revealed about the Predator's culture. I know they tried in Predator 3, but it wasn't very creative. I liked the ending of Predator 2 and the inside of the ship, that was cool to see. Maybe the homeworld?

Godzilla is King!

MemberYoung BloodSep-05-2014 10:26 PM

I would really like to see an Alien reboot/sequel next although maybe I would have to watch Promethous(did I write it right?) wich is I guess part of the it just looks too off the Alien franchise you know(also boring.)

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