
The Predator movie release date moves to February 2018!
Scified2016-05-28 06:53:44
Written by Chris11,907 Reads7 Comments2016-05-28 06:53:44

In an attempt to avoid potential box office competition with a film about a giant Megalodon shark, 20th Century Fox have vouched to shift Shane Black's The Predator from its original March 2nd, 2018 release date, to February 9th, 2018. Thankfully the new release date is a month sooner rather than later!

Currently no cast announcements have been made for The Predator, but Arnold Schwarzenegger is currently being considered for a role. We also know the main character's name will be Quinn McKenna and that the film will be set in present day (2018) and will acknowledge every Predator film which came before (and what comes after) it, including Predator 2 and Predators!

This update comes to us from Deadline.

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!


David 7

MemberBloodedMay-28-2016 9:35 AM

So, when Feb rolls around and your wife or GF asks you to take her to see a Valentine's Day movie, we now have one. 


MemberYoung BloodMay-28-2016 9:39 AM

That fine I guess, but I liked the first date to honor to anniversary!! Should of kept it on principal. I am not that intrigued by a movie on a big ass shark. How good can that be?

G. H. (Gman)

AdminSuper PredatorMay-28-2016 12:18 PM

"I am not that intrigued by a movie on a big ass shark. How good can that be?"

Jaws (1975) - Considered the original summer blockbuster, won three academy awards and was nominated for best picture. Also considered one of Spielberg's greatest films.

So how good could it be? Potentially really good, since that concept has proven itself before. Don't knock it, 'til you see it.


MemberJungle HunterMay-28-2016 12:37 PM

You spelt Megalodon wrong


AdminBroken TuskMay-28-2016 2:43 PM

Fixed the spelling errors, thanks @KingKaijuGojira.

@Ht27str, GMan is right. A film about a massive shark will definitely spark interest with moviegoers. Hell, I plan seeing it! But the two definitely overlap genres and demographics, so it's a good thing Predator moved.


MemberBloodedMay-29-2016 4:38 AM

I would consider Jaws a heavy outlier when it comes to something like that. Could the movie be something like Jaws? Sure, but I wouldn't put money on it, if giant sharks alone could draw such big crowds Syfy channel would be rolling in money since they used to seem to try the idea every other week.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminSuper PredatorMay-29-2016 12:16 PM

He questioned how good it could be, not the likelihood. Jaws is the correct response.

I'm not particularly savvy about the production either, but to knock something off simply because one doesn't think much of the premise is shortsighted.

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