MemberBloodedNov-19-2017 8:08 AMI was excited before but this really worries me. Like really.

MemberBloodedNov-19-2017 9:07 AMNot surprised. Everything about this movie looked awful. It's been a long time since we got a decent Predator movie and I don't think we will ever see another good one.

MemberYoung BloodNov-19-2017 9:56 AMMade an account just to comment on this ...
From what I've read about what surfaced on the plot of the new movie it's hot trash. It's just Shane black needing to re-invent the franchise and creature similar to the Mandarins treatment in Iron-man 3. There isn't a need to can the mythology of these aliens trophy hunting in favor for hunting for "better genetics". The Mythology needed expansion absolutely not re-invention.
Absolutely worthless ... I hope this isn't the final nail in my favorite movie-monsters coffin ...

MemberBloodedNov-19-2017 10:14 AMYeah this really worries me. Comedy? This movie needed to be dark.

AdminBroken TuskNov-19-2017 11:00 AMI think the comedic factor will be similar to the original, with cheesey one-liners and crude humor, which i am all for. Every Predator film has utilized humore in some capacity.
In regards to the reinventing of the mythology. I do have concerns as well. I really really hope they don't scrap what made the Predator so iconic and unique. The genetic splicing angle is a stretch and kind of cliche with regards to alien films. Leave the Predators be as hunters which adhere to a specific and unique code of ethics. Like you guys said, there is plenty to expand upon, Hollywood has barely scratched the surface of this franchise, but I hope they don't ruin its further potential by going too far left field with this one.

MemberElder PredatorNov-19-2017 12:44 PMIf they stick to the Vietnam War style gallows/dark humour...and manage to deliver it, it'll be fine I reckon. I can look past the predators wearing pants business as long as there is fresh and interesting story.
Chris agreed about the genetic splicing thing though. No need to muddy the waters with concepts like that. Predator already has a good premise, they just need to expand it, not change it up.
Keep it clean, make em mean! lol

MemberFugitive PredatorNov-20-2017 6:48 AMI will have to save my judgement until i seen the movie.
The original movie was so interesting simply for the same reasons the first ALIEN movie was, were we had this Beast/Hunter who is stalking and killing off each human one by one.
You hardly saw the Predator until the end, the same goes with the Xenomorph in Alien... Predator 2 we got to see the Predator too much and i think that movie was not to well done.
So i think the Franchise has to try and do something different, and this is what this movie appears to be attempting and so it could indeed split opinions.. much like how the ALIEN prequels have.
When you have seen how the Plot/Portrayal of the Predator in each movie has been which includes the AVP movies, if they go for a Lone Predator hunting people in the shadows, we just a remake of Predator. If we have a more Urban Setting we could see a AVPR and Predator 2 kind of flick. If we look at AVP and Predators these two also have a similar way to deal with the Predator.
So it is a question of how do you try something different? I think this could be what they are attempting here.

MemberYoung BloodNov-20-2017 5:22 PMOne thing is sure, the boycott is the only way to give something back and send a strong signal to the studios : your stupid ideas suck hardcore.Give us a sequel in the vein of the best predator movies, Predator and Predator 2.I'll watch this one for free just to see how bad it will look like onscreen.

MemberYoung BloodNov-21-2017 3:59 AMHope they don't go full Ghostbusters 2016! Will add to my list of movies to never watch - right next to Pacific Rim Uprising.