
Teaser trailer for The Predator (2018) on the way, 3D conversion confirmed!
Scified2018-03-25 12:23:30
Written by Chris27,749 Reads7 Comments2018-03-25 12:23:30

The first teaser trailer for The Predator (Predator 4) is on its way! Producer for Shane Black's Predator movie, Fred Dekker took to Facebook to update fans on The Predator's reshoots taking place in Vancouver and even answered some questions concerning the film's teaser trailer release date, as well as the state of its 3D conversion.

Dekker assured us that a teaser trailer was on the way soon and also confirmed that the film would be converted to 3D, not shot in 3D. 

In related news, actor Sterling K. Brown also shared a video from the set of The Predator to his Facebook page recently, showing off one dark, foggy jungle setting. A bunch of the cast were present, check it out!

The hunt begins this September! Use #ThePredator to join the conversation on social media and take part in the Predator movie forums here to discuss the upcoming film with other Predator fans!

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MemberJungle HunterMar-25-2018 12:37 PM



MemberBloodedMar-25-2018 4:00 PM




MemberSuper PredatorMar-25-2018 9:32 PM

Hmm...I hope they don't do like Alien Covenant and give a bunch of teasers and trailers that both mislead and basically give away the story. Give one vague trailer and don't tip your cards after that!


MemberFugitive PredatorMar-25-2018 11:47 PM

Totally agree we dont want too much given away...

I wonder what amount of extra work got done since the movie originally wrapped up?  We can only hope changes have been made and added to improve what the Movie Originally was.


MemberElder PredatorMar-25-2018 11:50 PM

Im excited for a (one) trailer, bring it on!!!

Not sure about 'converted to 3D' though...sounds bodgie.

A predator film in 3D could be a truly epic experience, especially with the iconic shoulder canon sights and Yautja cloaking ability. In 3D! XD  


MemberFugitive PredatorMar-26-2018 4:54 AM

Be interesting to see what the Trailer shows, and what we can make of it as far as a Plot...

It appears to me that we have some Military Base like a Area 51 where there have been Captured Predators and attempts to Re-Engineer their Technology. 

It appears the Main Cast of Psychiatric Ex Service Personnel are being transported to some place, with one of them having seen Predators and having some knowledge, and there Bus/Coach/Transport is attacked by some faction... maybe Predators or some Men-in-Black type Unit attempting to keep that one guy shut up, or captured.

From some set shots it appears we have some Predators minus their Technology using Human Technology working with some of those Psychiatric Military Personnel (either Predators Freed them or Vice Versa)

To me it appears we could be seeing a Military with Predator Tech vs Predators,  Predators with Human Tech vs Military and who knows maybe some Predator vs Predator Action?

Another rumor would suggest maybe a Plot where the returning Predators are actually harvesting DNA to improve themselves or use for some other purposes.

Hopefully we will find out more once the Trailer Drops


MemberSuper PredatorMar-27-2018 12:29 AM

I don't recall a movie ever receiving demerits for not being 3D. It drives up costs for everyone and seems a waste of time. I respect Cameron but the 3D thing for most movies seems unnecessary. 

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