
Shane Black's The Predator set to begin filming this Fall!
Scified2016-05-07 00:10:35
Written by Chris8,973 Reads5 Comments2016-05-07 00:10:35

We have now learned that Shane Black's The Predator, also more commonly known as Predator 4 will begin film this Fall! During the press rounds for his hilarious upcoming film, The Nice Guys starring Ryan Gosling and Russel Crowe, Shane Black also been briefly discussed his highly anticipated Predator sequel, which is currently slated for a March 2nd, 2018 release date. During one such interview with the Agence France Presse, Shane revealed that The Predator would begin filming this Fall, as early as September!

Black, who directed 2013 Marvel blockbuster “Iron Man 3,” confirmed shooting on “The Predator” would begin “in the latter part of the fall — September, October.

News on the upcoming Predator sequel has been scarce lately, with no real updates on the film's plot or castig decisions having come to light. The most we know so far is that the film will take place after the events of the 1987 original and will be set in present day. The return of franchise icon Arnold Schwarzenegger is possible and even expected, but currently still up in the air as negotiations take place. As new details for The Predator emerge, be sure to keep it locked to Scified!

Thanks to AvPGalaxy for the tip!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberFugitive PredatorMay-07-2016 5:31 AM

Going to be a interesting new few years, 2017 and 2018 for Alien and Predator Fans


MemberYoung BloodMay-07-2016 6:07 PM

Now I don't recognize this image! Is it a teaser of the new film? He resembles Berserker's biohelmet, AvP armer. That Pred skull on his shoulder means his a bad blood maybe. Did the super Preds return to restock for the game preserve !?

David 7

MemberBloodedMay-08-2016 11:31 AM

I have confidence in Shane Black and in the fact that Twentieh Century Fox has basically given Shane a good, big budget. 


AdminBroken TuskMay-08-2016 12:22 PM

I think so too. Fox are clearly strengthening up their top tier properties. I see The Predator to be on the same scale as Alien: Covenant.


MemberAlien HunterMay-09-2016 1:23 PM

I am not sure if I want another Predator movie. It seems to me that they are recycling ideas. The picture looks like it could have been a Predator thrown into some Transformers movie or maybe it is just me that think so.

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