
Shane Black talks taking The Predator back to its roots!
Scified2016-05-12 14:47:13
Written by Chris7,667 Reads0 Comments2016-05-12 14:47:13

During a press junket for The Nice Guys, director Shane Black was asked about his next directorial project, the highly anticipated Predator 4, aka. The Predator! During an interview with, Black discussed how his vision of The Predator will take the alien hunter and its story back to its roots; maintaining mystery without setting the film in a Sci-Fi world. He references John McTiernan, who directed the original Predator movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger and mentions that their approach to The Predator will be modeled closely after McTiernan's work. Here's what he had to say:

"I was reluctant to. If you look at the opening of the first Predator, with the helicopters coming in and landing with the smoke and the native people... It was so compelling because it established a world in which this is still mysterious for you. It's not a sci-fi world. It was so fresh back then, like a "why didn't I think of that, what the fuck?" quality to it. I'd like to get back to a movie where it's three months out and people are like, "Let's get our tickets now because we're aware of this, it seems like they put the money and attention into it, it's not just a knock-off." Really try to get back to that feeling of wonderment, mystery and adventure. A fresh movie. Without giving away details, that's been our goal. To say, "What's the John McTiernan and Joel Silver of this, and how do we get back to that?"

Shane also confirms that filming is set to begin as early as late September, assuming everyone they cast is available. When asked again about Arnold Schwarzenegger's return, he could not comment. However, we recently penned up 5 ways Schwarzenegger could return in a fourth Predator movie, so the potential for his involvement is still very possible!

"I think we're looking at end of September, maybe. Latest would be October, depending on casting. We might have to go over if we cast someone who isn't available yet. But if we get the right guys, September."

The official plot synopsis for The Predator is still unknown, as well as who will be cast. But we do know the film will take place is present day and will act as a direct sequel to the 1987 original. 

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