
Shane Black says The Predator will acknowledge Predator 2 and Predators!
Scified2016-05-27 15:58:22
Written by Chris13,434 Reads3 Comments2016-05-27 15:58:22

Shane Black has confirmed where The Predator will fall into the Predator cinematic timeline. Speaking to the folks over at HeyUGuys, Shane Black explained that his Predator 4 will actually act more like a Predator 3, fitting in the timeline after the events of Predator and Predator 2 and well before the events of Robert Rodriguez's Predators from 2010.

However, despite taking place well before Predators, Shane somewhat hints to the fact that Predators won't be neglected from The Predator's plot. Could this mean we learn more about the Predator culture and the existence of the Super Predator race which Rodriguez introduced us to? Or will there be other subtle nods? Whatever the case may be, it's exciting to know that Predator 2 won't be neglected either and that events from that film may very well play a role in The Predator's plot!

Here, you can watch Shane Black's interview with HeyUGuys:

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MemberYoung BloodMay-27-2016 5:20 PM

It's pretty safe to say that unless they are going to use the films as a reference, it really doesn't matter. Now setting the film before Predators and after Predator 2 does somewhat insinuate there may be a reference or tie into the other films! That would be awesome if they were connected somehow, odviously it would refer to Predator, maybe the CIA team from Predator 2 under the leadership of Agent Garber and then show Arnold turning down a job and recommending Royce because he will cross the line Dutch would not and Royce upon completing his task and being taken. Or at least show someone mentioning Royce completing his task and gone missing. At the end of the credits they should show Liam Nesson contacting the Beserker Predator via Rouces' walkie talkie and doing his famous lines i.e. I have a particular set of skills..... I will find you, and I will kill you!! BAM!! I just wrote the movie!!


MemberYoung BloodMay-27-2016 5:20 PM

[Duplicate removed]


MemberBloodedMay-29-2016 4:45 AM

I'm glad it will at least acknowledge the other movies. While the two follow ups to Predator weren't anything to ride home about I never saw them as so bad they needed to be retconned and I hate Predators.

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