
Shane Black explains what was changed for The Predator's ending!
Scified2018-09-15 11:48:49
Written by Chris16,214 Reads8 Comments2018-09-15 11:48:49

The Predator is officially released in theaters now and although the ending for the film satisfied most of the plot's developments there were some last-minute changes made which moviegoers might be interested in knowing about. Shane Black re-shot the entire third act of The Predator earlier this year in Vancouver and thanks to Yahoo! Movies, we now know the full extent of what was removed and changed.

As many of you will recall, originally The Predator was going to feature a team of Commando Predators working with Stargazer Base but that entire concept was thrown out the window despite footage of the Comando Predators being filmed. Black addresses this cut in his interview:

The structure remained largely the same. There was a proponent of working with the predators, played by Edward James Olmos, and there was a suggestion that maybe he was trying to recruit the first predator in the movie.

And when we went back we thought that that was one bad guy too many, one character too many in retrospect, and regretfully we removed his role from the movie and just let Sterling K Brown carry it solo.

Also the Ark site scene, there was a whole different… it was the same set, the same sequence basically, but all set during the day with them attacking the Ark and freeing the kid, and running away with the predator chasing them but it was all daylight. It just… we started to do our effects work, and it looked kind of cheap in a way. It looked… it didn’t really feel like a big expensive movie when the predators are just running around in daylight like that.

We could have finished the film like that, honestly we could have, but I just didn’t think it would work as well. Thankfully, I have to credit 20th Century Fox, this was a big, fairly expensive deal to turn that back into night time, and they went along with it.

We went up and rebuilt it on a different location, we put the ship back in, restaged the the attack on the ship, and the rescue of the kid, all at night.

Black also went on to address why the film focuses so prominently on disabilities, which in The Predator is interpreted as our bodies adjusting to the next step in our evolution - something the new Hybrid Predators have a keen interest in:

I think there’s a case to be made that people who have what is viewed as a disability are actually the most valuable members of our society. There are those among us who consider schizophrenia to just be another form of existence and not necessarily even… there’s one theory that they’re seeing something that other people simply don’t.

I personally suffer from tourettes disease. I bark and chirp sometimes so I’ve had to play with that, and I thought I always try to keep a sense of humour about it. It doesn’t show up all the time, but when it does it’s usually with a girlfriend or something, so I try to keep a sense of humour about it.

You can read the entire interview over on Yahoo! Movies.

What did you think of The Predator's ending? Let us know your honest opinions below! Would you have liked to see what the original cut of the film included, Commando Predators and all? Let us know that as well!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberElder PredatorSep-15-2018 3:49 PM

Im glad they re-did that ending in darkness. It was a menacing scene. It wouldn't have been nearly as effective in daylight. 

IMO Black nailed this film. The mood, and mix of comedy between some brutal violence was on-point. The relationship between the characters is what drove the film.

Although the plot is not particularly deep, it does the job, and doesn't get bogged down trying to force it down your throat. It just rolls forward.

It's an odd contrast with Alien Covenant where the characters were mostly dull, irrelevant and moot, but the deeper philosophical story was the driving point. 

Black did it better.

Except that final moment reveal.... 


MemberSuper PredatorSep-15-2018 4:12 PM

It is nice to hear there is a straight up good movie with good characters, no murky philosophical layers and such.


MemberCity HunterSep-15-2018 4:52 PM

"It looked… it didn’t really feel like a big expensive movie when the predators are just running around in daylight like that.

 We could have finished the film like that, honestly we could have, but I just didn’t think it would work as well. Thankfully, I have to credit 20th Century Fox, this was a big, fairly expensive deal to turn that back into night time, and they went along with it."

Shane Black said it clearly he had no idea what he was doing, except for the jokes, of course. The main concern was to make it look like a big expensive movie. And expensive it was, alright, thanks to Fox that stepped in and made it look like a Marvel kind of film, to please the Disney audience.

Was it really necessary to create a King Kong with an Iron Man suit mutannt predator?


MemberSuper PredatorSep-15-2018 4:58 PM

Maybe with Disney one needs to learn and play by the rules first before knowing how to bend and break them. Cash returns talk.


MemberYoung BloodSep-15-2018 5:00 PM

This movie really caught me by surprise.  I went to the theater with trepidation from all the press about reshoots, casting problems, and rumors of a horror-comedy script... after the absolute cracker of an opening set piece I forgot all that and enjoyed the film.  This is easily the best of the Predator sequels and one of the best action sci-fi films made in recent memory.  I sincerely hope Black gets license to make another addition to the franchise and I would really like to see him tackle an Alien or Alien-Predator film.


MemberElder PredatorSep-15-2018 5:09 PM

Ryanrockit I wholeheartedly agree! 


MemberElder PredatorSep-16-2018 10:55 PM

Agree, but I do hope there will be a (baseline)predator-human alliance


MemberCity HunterSep-16-2018 11:07 PM

Those predators riding tanks in human clothing makes me think of the planet of the apes with predators instead of apes.

That could be a good story after the predators invaded the Earth.

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