
Shane Black assures fans The Predator will be R-rated!
Scified2016-05-13 06:46:12
Written by Chris6,025 Reads0 Comments2016-05-13 06:46:12

Director Shane Black continues to impress Predator fans worldwide with his minor tid bits about The Predator. Following a long list of recent Predator 4 updates, Shane Black adds once more to the hype surrounding this new sequel, by assuring fans that The Predator will in fact be rates R!

Considering the size and scale he and 20th Century Fox are planning for The Predator, it was a legitimate concern that the Studio may try to put limits on Shane's vision in order to cash in on a broader, younger audience. However, following the incredible success of Deadpool at the Box Office, it has shown that R-rated films can perform just as well as their lighter-rated competitors. However, Deadpool's success aside, Shane reveals that part of the stipulations agreed upon when he signed up to direct the next Predator film were that there were to be no limits placed on him or his story. Thankfully, Fox agreed and are letting Shane create (what we hope to be) the perfect Predator sequel! Speaking to Den Of Geek, Shane said:

“I made a condition of my participation with Predator that it be the same rating as the first movie, and the first movie was Rated R. In other words, I don’t want to cut away every time the Predator does something violent. I was watching the American version of The Grudge, which was PG-13, and I remember being so frustrated by the fact that everything that was scary in the Japanese version, they had to cut away from in the PG-13 American version.”

Black then added:

“there’s also a sensibility and a sense of brooding menace and we can have fun but there’s an element of horror that’s unmistakable in The Predator,” he continued. “I don’t want to have to compromise it by just treating it like a popcorn film. That said, I hope there’s some popcorn viewing available in it, too. It’s an R-rated popcorn movie, which is the best kind to me.”

Be sure to keep it locked to Scified as more exciting details on The Predator are revealed!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!

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