
Rumor: Ben Affleck turned down The Predator, James Franco now eyeing lead role!
Scified2016-07-15 12:56:35
Written by Chris7,573 Reads9 Comments2016-07-15 12:56:35

A new Predator 4 rumor has surfaced suggesting that Ben Affleck turned down a role for Shane Black's The Predator and that now agents for James Franco are pushing for him to star as Quinn McKenna, the film's lead protagonist.

This rumor comes to us from The Wrap, who report that Shane Black was initially interested in either Ben Affleck or Christian Bale for the lead role in his Predator sequel, but that because neither of those came through, James Franco's agents are now pushing to secure the lead role for Franko himself.

Besides the mention of Franco, the only other casting rumors to have hit the web concerning The Predator were Curtis Jackson's (50 Cent) involvement and the ongoing negotiations with franchise icon Arnold Schwarzenegger. With cameras set to roll near the end of September, we expect we'll begin to receive official casting updates very soon. As more news of this rumor surface we'll be sure to keep you updated!

Thanks to AvPGalaxy for the heads up!

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Patient Leech

MemberBloodedJul-15-2016 1:19 PM

Good lord, those are ALL bad choices for a Predator movie. Adrian Brody from Predators was great, I thought.


MemberBloodedJul-15-2016 1:27 PM

If Franco hits the gym to "look" a little more the part of a combat vet/leader, I suppose his acting could carry the part.  Although, Bale has proven, to me at least, in previous roles he could pull it off.  I wasn't sure about Adrian Brody, but he was decent in the last one, which is why I feel the acting is most important.  Anyone can hit the gym and improve their physique to match the stereotypical military/action look.  But then again, Shane Black was in 'Predator' and was thin.  Who knows... :-p


MemberJungle HunterJul-15-2016 3:14 PM

Hmm it would be interesting to see Franco in the lead role. As Membrane pointed out, pretty much anyone can beef up for a role, but will they really be able to turn in a good performance. I like him as an actor and I think he can do it, but it would be a departure from his normal role type.

I have to say, Bale being in The Predator? Oh man that would have been great.




OHHHHHHHH I thought the article said Dave Franco for some reason. OhHHH maaaan I have to tell you guys, I am (for some odd reason) OBSESSED with James Franco. 

My comments about this being a departure from his normal role still ring true haha


MemberYoung BloodJul-15-2016 4:10 PM

Agree with Leech. Franco is lame! What happened to Schwarzenegger???

I Meme Everything

MemberElder PredatorJul-15-2016 6:27 PM

Yes, we need Schwarzenegger back!


AdminBroken TuskJul-15-2016 7:36 PM

@Patient Leech, I actually remember thinking Adrian Brody was an odd choice for Predators. But, he turned out to be alright. I've stopped jumping the gun with casting until I've seen some footage, sometimes actors can surprise you.

As for Schwarzenegger, as far as we know, he could still reprise his role or at least show up in a cameo. Nothing official has yet been released to confirm or deny that.

Patient Leech

MemberBloodedJul-16-2016 10:18 AM

Brody was great because he's a great actor. I guess the role probably wouldn't require a great actor, but yeah, Franco is just kind of lame. He just comes across as James Franco in every role.


MemberYoung BloodJul-16-2016 10:35 AM

I HATED, I absolutely HATED Adrian Brody in Predators!!! I UTTERLEY HATED Adrien Brodys casting and I fucking DETEST already the idea of a weedy James Franco in a franchise that is based upon hewen from granite muscle. Three Hundred Spartans-type grizzly Human aggression pitted against inter-galactic alien aggression!! 

Once again, they're getting away from the core-subject matter that made PREDATOR so-fucking-EXCELLENT!!! 

James Franco as a supporting role in the veign of Hawkings or something from the first f8lm or Poncho then thats fine! But as the main lead, WHY won't the Rock - Dwayne Johston do it, or Gerard Butler, Idris Elba even! Giving it a twist of sorts. Even include Dave Baustia as a kind of Blain character who probably turns-out psycologically like Mac.

I would go so-far as to say why not Jamie Foxx for a Carl Weathers 'Dillon'-like character without copying it to-much the same. What about Samuel L. Jackson being part of proceedings like the General at the begining of Predator or him as a Carl Weathers-like character similar to Dillon too maybe.


MemberBloodedJul-16-2016 12:18 PM

I thought Adrian Brody sucked in Predators, but then again I didn't really like much in that movie at all. The character was unlikable literally leading everyone into a trap so he could get a look at the predators. On top of his bland acting. He might work is serious films but a movie like Predator requires some over the top acting. Loved Arnold and Danny in their respective leads; much more fun to follow that Adrian Brody ever was.


James Franco might work, depends what they do with it. I won't criticize him till I see the movie, but not something that I hate right off the bat.

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