
Original Predator creators and Disney enter lawsuit over rights to the alien character!
Scified2021-04-15 18:34:59
Written by Chris12,272 Reads5 Comments2021-04-15 18:34:59

In a surprising development, original creators of the Predator character and story, brothers James E. Thomas and John C. Thomas have filed a motion with the U.S. courts against the Walt Disney Corporation in an attempt to claim their rights to the character back! With production set to kick off next month on Predator 5 (working title SKULLS), this is obviously not a fight Disney plans to back down from...

Deadline have just reported and outlined the lawsuit today and we've summarized the legal jargon for you below.

Basically, there exists a provision of the Copyright Act that reverts rights back to the author(s) after 35 years. The Thomas Brothers are within their right to demand their rights be reverted since it had been 35 years since they created the Predator character and screenplay (originally called  Hunters) which they scribed back in 1985, before 20th Century Fox bought the rights for their film adaptation Predator in 1987.

Disney bought 20th Century Fox and all of its film assets, of which Predator was included. Disney have since hired 10 Cloverfield Lane director Dan Trachtenberg to helm a new Predator film set in the 18th century. The film begins filming next month in Calgary.

In a counter-suit, Disney claims the Thomas brothers missed their opportunity to object to a Termination Notice sent to them by Disney concerning their rights to the Predator character and screenplay. But, the legal counsel representing the Thomas brothers object to these claims and argue that they are still within their rights to contest Disney's action.

Essentially, the Thomas brothers are seeking a new copyright deal with Disney since Disney are attempting to move forward with producing a new movie. Disney is reluctant to give in and argue they have already invested significant time and money into the untitled Predator 5 movie and stick to their claim that the Thomas brothers did not seek proper legal action soon enough.

Disney are not backing down, despite the Thomas brothers' current attempt to delay any work / productions based on their original screenplay until an agreement is reached. This of course could pose a problem for Disney's Predator 5 filming schedule if courts rule in favor of the Thomas brothers' motion.

It doesn't sound like either party are backing down anytime soon. As new developments arise we'll be sure to keep you updated!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberElder PredatorApr-15-2021 7:55 PM

Hope the original owners win, because screw disney and their politics!


MemberJungle HunterApr-16-2021 12:32 AM



MemberAlien HunterApr-16-2021 2:14 AM

Even though I'm not a predator guy I hope that the creators win. Disney didn't invent it, they just own it. Big sigh

If this is true it shows that Disney is only in it for money. Weyland Yutani anyone?


MemberFugitive PredatorApr-21-2021 6:21 AM

Well when they Purchased the Rights then the PREDATOR Franchise was a BIG reason for them doing so......

The Thomas Brothers are likely looking to make some $$$$ because WHY NOT... they had Created a Iconic Character..... One that makes MONEY to this Day.

They however do-not OWN the Visual Look of the Predator and so Disney could just re-brand the Franchise a Different Name and give a Back Story to the Yautja

Then that leave the Thomas Brothers with their IDEA that they could maybe get someone to Continue with but then NOT be able to USE the Iconic Appearance of the Predator.

A WIN/WIN would be a Compromise and Royalties for Future use of the Predator Character.  But Disney could go and give us a Movie where the Yautja do-not go Hunting and there would be NOT a lot that the Thomas Brothers could do about that.

But this would be kind of like taking away the Egg and Face Hugger stage of the Xenomorph in a ROW between say O'Bannons Estate and Disney...  the name ALIEN, and Xenomorph and Aesthetically how they look would be Nothing to do with O'Bannons ideas and design for instance.


MemberElder PredatorApr-21-2021 8:02 AM

That sucks

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