
Olivia Munn joins the cast of The Predator!
Scified2016-11-03 11:24:30
Written by Matt7,965 Reads0 Comments2016-11-03 11:24:30

Plot details about the hotly anticipated new film The Predator are being kept under wraps as is much of the cast. This has changed as THR revealed an exclusive report detailing the setting of the film as well as the news that Olivia moon would star in the movie. The plot details are revealed below, as well as information about her character:

Plot details are being kept under wraps but this is known: the story plunks the deadly alien hunter, who audiences have seen fight in jungles, concrete jungles, frozen wastelands and alien planets, in the harsh environment of … suburbia.

Munn will play a scientist opposite Holbrook’s Special Forces commando.

The plot details are extremely intriguing. Not only do we get information regarding Boyd Holbrook's role, but Olivia's as well. It appears that Boyd Holbrook will be part of a special forces team, but one that is are of the danger the Predator represents. Olivia's role as a scientist may be to study the Predator.

The setting of suburbia is also interesting, as the Yautja typically hunts only these who present themselves as warriors.  Perhaps the presence of the Special forces team may serve as an impetus to agitate the Predator in this scenario.

Olivia Munn was previously noted for her role in the summer Blockbuster 'X-Men Apocalypse' as the villain 'Psylocke'. This role will mark her entry in another big budget blockbuster, although this time as a protagonist role.

20th Century Fox, Executive Producer Bill Bannerman and Producer John Davis will release Shane Black's The Predator February 9th, 2018. The movie will star Boyd Holbrook in a lead role.

Source: THR

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!

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