
New Predator artwork makes up for lack of Predator 4 movie trailer
Scified2018-02-10 08:22:34
Written by Chris65,547 Reads5 Comments2018-02-10 08:22:34

We are still waiting for the first teaser trailer to drop for Shane Black's The Predator (Predator 4) and with reshoots taking place in Vancouver next month, it's possible we may need to wait a little while longer still before 20th Century Fox decide to unveil any footage. However, despite the lack of any serious updates on The Predator, some fans have taken it upon themselves to keep the hype alive by creating some truly remarkable fan artwork. Today we're highlighting Toronto based concept artist Vitalii Smyk, who has created an abundance of phenomenal Predator artwork - much of which seems to be set in a suburban environment - the same environment much of The Predator will take place in as well. Check it out:

If The Predator looks anything like Vitalii's artwork shown here, we will be in for a real treat. Be sure to let us know what you think by commenting below and visit his ArtStation page to browse more of his work!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



AdminBroken TuskFeb-10-2018 2:34 PM

Yeah, he's incredibly talented. All of his work is mint!


MemberJungle HunterFeb-10-2018 8:31 PM

WOW! This is some of the best artwork, or any kind of image, I have ever seen when it comes to Predator!


MemberElder PredatorFeb-11-2018 12:44 AM

Fantastic stuff!! Shows with a bit of imagination there is still plenty of life left for the franchise, just needs a solid script


AdminBroken TuskFeb-11-2018 11:24 AM

Exactly! I'm really hoping The Predator exceeds our expectations and that Fox / Disney continue to pursue this franchise and expand its universe. There is so much that can still be explored.


MemberFugitive PredatorFeb-11-2018 1:52 PMI really like these
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