
New Predator 2018 Interview with Keegan-Michael Key!
Scified2018-06-02 13:27:59
Written by Chris11,967 Reads5 Comments2018-06-02 13:27:59

Keegan-Michael Key is looking to prove himself as a convincing action star following his success in comedy by starring in The Predator. Key recently sat down with Cnet to discuss many facets of Shane Black's upcoming Predator sequel and during the discussion Key chats about why he took the role, as well as what fans can expect from the new film. Below are some excerpts from the interview, but you can read the whole thing over on Cnet!

Cnet: What can you tell us about the new movie?

Keegan-Michael Key: There's been an aggressive gag order [laughs] so let me see what I can share that's vague yet still informative. Thomas Jane and I are ex-Marines and we are in a group with Boyd Holbrook, Trevante Rhodes and Alfie Allen. In the midst of this adventure, they adopt this scientist, Olivia Munn, who happens to be working on revolutionary tech and on finding alien life.

We become a kind of dirty half dozen of burned-out soldiers suffering from PTSD. Shane Black sent us a memo that was quite poetically written prior to shooting, and the gist of the memo was, "I want a bunch of knights — a bunch of knights who were rejects from the Round Table — knocking the rust off their armor and going back into battle." 

It's not about a bunch of heroes that are at the top of the game. It's about people who have been through life and are at the end of their careers. And for them to pick up their mantle again is part of the excitement of the film. What else can I share? There's quite a lot of humor. The beginning of the movie is like you're watching six stooges. And it was really a riot, I mean an absolute riot to do.

So this isn't a retelling of Predator so much as a reimagining?

Reimagining is a good word. What we're doing is a chapter of a larger story that we could call The Predator Universe. There are five movies in the Predator canon, and this will be the sixth. You could watch them in any order you want because they all exist in their own right. 

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberElder PredatorJun-02-2018 3:55 PM

This is going to rock!

The Predator films have always had a sense of humour; from Blacks own character Hawkins with his pussy jokes, to Bill Paxtons wise-cracking one-liners, to Topher Grace's sarcastic black humour. 

This time we will have half a dozen comedic relief characters instead.

Blacks humour is usually on-point, timeless and sharp. 



MemberSuper PredatorJun-02-2018 9:54 PM

Sounds really good so far. So they are counting AVP/AVPR as part of the Predator universe. And it sounds like there will be more. 


AdminBroken TuskJun-03-2018 1:48 PM

There won't be any direct mention of AvP as far as I know, just references to weaponry and probably some Predator tech designs. But I agree, it sounds decent. I'm remaining optimistic.


MemberBloodedJun-04-2018 6:04 AM

I'm with Chris... I remain optimistic.


MemberFugitive PredatorJun-04-2018 6:29 AM

Hopefully its either a serious attempt at Sci-Fi Action, with a small dose of Humor.....  and not the Trend of the last 10 years Movies where they put too much Goofyness and Humor...

We dont want the Predator Series to be a Spiderman Homecoming or Dead Pool ;)

Hopefully it will be a pleasant surprise, so i am not setting my hopes up too high, but i think it could be a decent addition to the Franchise.

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