
New Emissary Predator set photo from The Predator lands online!
Scified2018-10-19 15:34:08
Written by Chris16,146 Reads4 Comments2018-10-19 15:34:08

Although they were excluded from The Predator's theatrical cut, the Emissary Predators have gained a fair amount of interest among fans and moviegoers who may have been unaware of their role during production. Suit actor Kyle Strauts has shared some phenomenal set photos of the Emissary Predators in the past and just recently shared this new, clear photo of the Emissary Predators in action, on set with the Loonies, check it out:

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MemberYoung BloodOct-23-2018 7:52 AM

That photo is either featuring the actors doubles, or is a fake. Those people standing on the tanks are not the lead actors from the movie, they are merely dressed to look as if they are! Fill us in Kyle Strauts.


MemberYoung BloodOct-23-2018 7:58 AM

We all would have liked to have seen the lifted plot-line from The Predator featuring the Edward James Olmos military general character with the 2 dissident (emissary) yautja teaming up with the human characters and the loonies.  It is a shame that a test audience, that may not even feature sci-fi fans, sci-fi horror fans and/or Predator fans could be allowed to dictate to both Fox and Shane Black what should be in their movie or not.  I was actually looking forward to seeing this sequence, having seen it in the initial teaser trailers, so it seems a shame we'll never see it.  Very disappointing!


MemberYoung BloodOct-24-2018 2:28 PM

Thank goodness that they took that emissary crap out of the film. The movie was bad as it was. No need to make it worse.


MemberYoung BloodOct-26-2018 8:53 AM

Hi, still I feel that if you've hired a writer/director like Shane Black you should allow him to have his creative vision and make his movie.  There is a certain expectation if you have become interested due to the trailers that you'll see a certain type of movie.  Retro-fitting a new parallel plot-line onto the pre-existing picture must have been a tough undertaking - no doubt someone like Black was equipped to carry it out, but it would have been easier if they could've left well enough alone. It must've been time-consuming and very pricey to have re-shot like they did. Still with the China opening this weekend (Oct 26th) there is a chance it could become the highest worldwide box office grosser in the series (inc. AVP).  Which would be good news for a sequel.  Perhaps one featuring some of the pre-existing footage that's already been shot! All the best.

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