
Major Predator 4 plot details potentially leaked! (SPOILERS)
Scified2017-02-10 15:24:43
Written by Chris64,739 Reads11 Comments2017-02-10 15:24:43

A massive Predator 4 / The Predator plot rumor / leak has surfaced online today and if proven true, could turn out to be one hell of a spoiler. Although without an officially released plot synopsis to go by yet, the chances of this breakdown being true are still 50/50. Regardless, we urge readers to take the following with a grain of salt until we hear otherwise. 

According to a fresh post by SplashReport, one of their readers were privileged with access to The Predator script, or were close enough to someone who was. That reader essentially divulged the film's plot outline as well as names and roles of key cast members. Certain aspects of the plot fall inline with what we've learned so far, but certain aspects are completely new. Enjoy:

Predator 4 plot leak


[Synopsis removed at request of 20th Century Fox]

If I had to hazard a guess, I would say they're close to on the money. It sounds like there are indeed two Predators but one is closer to that of the Super Predators of Robert Rodriguez' Predators film, except instead of a naturally superior race, this Predator is a genetically modified hybrid of sorts. What is this Predator spliced with? How will it react to the other Predator? Our guess is they won't be too friendly with each other.

The plot sounds more and more like the outline for the PS2 title Predator: Concrete Jungle with every update - and we are A-OK at with that! It sounds like Shane Black will indeed bring us a very fresh take on the Predator. We can't wait to learn more!

Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Source: (thanks to Matt for the news) 

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MemberJungle HunterFeb-10-2017 3:45 PM

Very interesting... sounds like a good plot


MemberYoung BloodFeb-10-2017 5:16 PM

Hmmm I can buy the first half but the  Predator 2.0 idea??

Doesn't feel like an epic film as Shane Black promised.

Still can't wait for the movie though


AdminBroken TuskFeb-10-2017 5:44 PM

See I'm actually for the Predator 2.0 concept. 10 feet isn't much taller than a normal Predator and I suspect it might look like a roided up Predator rather than a Super Predator.

Having played Concrete Jungle, I am. all for this angle. Let's see what happens when humans mess with Predator tech and the species themselves! Let's see what monsters we can create and how they stack up against the OG Predators.

Remember though folks, this synopsis is still unconfirmed. 

Stan Winston (deceased)

MemberBloodedFeb-11-2017 3:55 AM

Sounds awful.

"THE PREDATOR 2.0 A ten feet tall genetically enhanced and more advanced Predator..."

For the love of Molech, why is this necessary? Is the original Predator not deadly enough? The "super-predators" from Predators were horrendous but it seems we are still moving in the same direction.

"...who will crash the McKenna family reunion in suburbia."

Now I see how the 'set-in-suburbia' rumor came about. But more importantly, this sounds sooo lame it gosta be untrue. Please be untrue.


MemberBloodedFeb-11-2017 5:47 AM

Yeah I hate the aspect of there being another bigger badder pred. Who enhanced it? The other predators? doesn't really make sense and if humans did it that's an awful story point.


I hope this isn't true come on shane you were in the first predator you have to know what it takes to make this work.

I Meme Everything

MemberElder PredatorFeb-11-2017 7:02 AM

Eh, we don't need another Predator variant.  The original was already good enough, d@mn it!


MemberJungle HunterFeb-11-2017 7:09 AM

I agree with Chris. I loved Concrete Jungle. The concept of the Predator trying to reclaim it's tech is a very interesting one. We get to see how deadly the Predator is without it's tech or with a small amount of it and then we see just how much more deadly it is with it. Besides, none of this is confirmed yet. We shouldn't take this seriously.


MemberYoung BloodFeb-11-2017 10:46 AM

As long as it isn't a Human/Predator Hybrid and doesn't have 6 arms... I am okay with it.


Dark Nebula

StaffAlien HunterFeb-11-2017 10:57 AM

Im really looking forward to this film but...

"THE PREDATOR 2.0 A ten feet tall genetically enhanced and more advanced Predator who will crash the McKenna family reunion in suburbia."

This doesn't really sound compelling to me.

I can imagine something like this to happen (even tho most likely it won't happen).

In the end the Predator 2.0 gets pwned by a 12 year old rambo that mastered Yautya weapons, that his father sent to him.

We will see.


AdminBroken TuskFeb-11-2017 2:13 PM

Fox has requested I remove the leaked synopsis guys, guess it was pretty legit!

Stan Winston (deceased)

MemberBloodedFeb-11-2017 6:33 PM

Jesus, Joseph and Mary!

If mediocre pitches like that are getting the green light then what the hell am I waiting for?

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