
How to make your own Predator costume for Halloween while on a budget!
Scified2016-09-19 09:38:06
Written by Chris13,248 Reads4 Comments2016-09-19 09:38:06

Halloween is approaching quick and many sci-fi movie fans are probably wondering how they can dress up but also differentiate themselves from the hordes of Suicide Squad inspired Joker and Harley Quinn costumes this year. If you're looking to stand out at parties or simply try something new, consider dressing up as none other than the infamous PREDATOR!

Though unique and extremely bad ass to look at, the Predator is not an easy character to mimic. The costume requires a number of noticeable details, which - by conventional means could add up to quite a hefty price tag once all the supplies needed to create the costume are gathered. Store-bought costumes of the Predator can also range anywhere from $100 - $200, depending on where you shop.

However, if you're looking to stand out and dawn the armor of the Yautja this year while not breaking the bank, consider watching the video below by the DIY Costume Squad. In the video, they will show you how you can create your own Predator costume at home for roughly $35 - $40! If you can ignore the wrong positioning of the wrist blades in the video, the costume itself is actually pretty cool to look at and would certainly get the job done for a budget-friendly, unique Halloween costume idea. The methods shown could also be improved upon, given a slightly larger budget for fans looking for new cosplay ideas.

What do you think of their home-made Predator costume? Will you be tackling this project for Halloween this year? Let us know in the comments section below!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberBloodedSep-19-2016 11:40 AM

I worked with a guy who worked at the company who provided the "dreadlocks" for the original 'Predator' movie.  It is foam that is used to fill in the cracks for joints in concrete before you apply sealants over it.  Called backer rod.


MemberBloodedSep-19-2016 11:55 AM

Too bad i dont have halloween in my country.



AdminBroken TuskSep-19-2016 12:05 PM

@Membrane, that's awesome! I've seen some pretty sweet Predator cosplay and the dreads seem to always be one of the hardest things to get right. Good to know what the official dreads were made out of, for anyone looking to make a costume as film-accurate as possible.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberElder PredatorSep-19-2016 2:00 PM

Thanks for sharing this with us! Might try to make this for Halloween.

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