Screenwriter for Shane Black's The Predator, Fred Dekker recently conducted an interview with Moxie Sozo about his work on the fourth Predator film as filming crew get set up in Vancouver this week. Although Dekker couldn't reveal any substantial plot details, he did make a point of discussing the level of care and detail he and Shane have put into this film in order to appeal to the hard core fans. He acknowledges that remakes, sequels and reboots have a hard time with fans in today's world.
The hardcore fans have their Shurikens sharpened (that’s a Predator weapon, by the way), just waiting for you to fail. So it’s a double-edge Shuriken: You want to do something new and fresh with the concept, but not alienate the core fan base who have a pre-set idea of what they want. It’s a tricky tightrope walk, for sure.
Ultimately, however, the worst thing for the creative process is a fear of failure, so we’re trying not to second-guess ourselves and go with our gut instincts. We’re making the Predator movie we want to see.
Dekker also goes on to reassure that The Predator will include the wise-ass dialogue, foul language and breathless action we've come to expect from Predator films:
It has healthy doses of the trademark Shane Black wise-ass dialogue, foul language, and breathless action.
You can read the full interview here!
It sounds like Shane Black and Fred Dekker have a good handle on The Predator. If what they describe is true, we're in for a real treat next year! Filming for The Predator begins next month! Be sure to check back for constant updates!
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