
First look at Predators on the set of Shane Black's The Predator!
Scified2017-05-14 08:50:53
Written by Chris95,002 Reads11 Comments2017-05-14 08:50:53

Three new photos from Shane Black's The Predator (Predator 4) have made their way online via Instagram! The first two photos were taken by The Predator cinematographer Larry Fong and shows Trevante Rhodes and Augusto Aguilera in character while the third photo was snapped by set photographer Jarrod Au and his photo debuts a first look at the film's Predators!

The next photo gives us our first look at the Predator Yautja race, in classic armor. Although the fact that these Predators seem to be aiding Keegan-Michael Key and Trevante Rhodes by riding on the Military vehicle raises some questions.

We were provided with plot details a few months back (but sadly had to remove them at the request of the studio) which explained that there will be two different Predators in the film; one of the classic variety and one which has been genetically modified and enhanced. From what we've gathered, the classic Predators will attempt to eradicate this abomination but may need to team up with the Human detachment to do so. However those details of teaming up remain cloudy. What we know for sure is that the film will involve two different types of Predator and that the one faction will indeed be sent on a mission to undo the genetic tampering of Human scientists.

What do you think of the Predator suits so far? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Larry Fong, Jarrod Au

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MemberBloodedMay-14-2017 9:06 AM

Suits are looking great!,  I believe ADI has redeemed themselves,  they look straight out the Lost Tribe! Also,  the unmasked one seems to be wearing cargo pants,  interesting. 


AdminBroken TuskMay-14-2017 9:30 AM

Agreed! I was concerned we would get some AvP looking Predator suits but I'm thankful to see how iconic they look! The army fatigues are a head scratcher for sure. Perhaps it's to differentiate the "good" Predators from the "bad" ones? 


MemberYoung BloodMay-14-2017 9:34 AM

Help me Predators. After watching Alien: Covenant, you're my only hope.


AdminBroken TuskMay-14-2017 1:11 PM

Hahahahaha yeah it will be interesting to see which film is better. I have my fair share of doubts but also a multitude of hope and excitement for this. 


MemberYoung BloodMay-14-2017 2:54 PM

Predators wearing Military issued clothing?? Predators working with humans?? OMFG!! If this is the crap Shane Black is pulling than I suggest they delay this movie again and re-write the script. I don't need another shit-fest of a movie that buries my favorite franchise even more. I know it's early but if this is in fact the case than I'm truly disappointed in Mr. Black. 


MemberYoung BloodMay-15-2017 6:12 AM

I agree with Bullet. Why the Hell are they wearing pants? I hope this is just a break on the set and they messing around in that tank. No human predator team ups, please. 

Delta Plus

MemberYoung BloodMay-15-2017 8:21 AM

I really love this new Hard-Armor look! I think it's only right that after so many years of fighting humans, Predators would up their own armor and tech game. Also, those don't look like military pants, they look like wrappings around the legs, which is something Predators have done before but in smaller bits like the Elder Predator in Predator 2.  

This could be a break on set, but it could also be the Predators attacking the convoy, the one in the driver's area could have dropped in to kill people inside. OR they are helping humans because they are all hunting Bad Bloods or whatever abomination humanity might have created using Predator tech and genetics.


AdminBroken TuskMay-15-2017 4:41 PM

Yeah guys I'm pretty sure this was simply taken during a break, hence the one Predator suit actor making peace signs at the camera. This definitely was not an action shot during filming. I'm not a fan of Predators teaming up with humans either. 


MemberFugitive PredatorMay-15-2017 6:04 PM

Interesting to say the least....

I am a bit on the fence to how the hell Predators and Humans would be able to communicate... and work together may upset some...

But then Predator 2 is canon and we see the Predators at the end had a respect for Lt Harrigan even giving him a Antique Weapon.

Predators was kind of a Spin Off that showed again Predators working with Humans...

While this may not set down well with those who Loved the Lore of the First Movie, at the end of the Day FOX want a movie to Make some $$$$$$$$  as they see Marvel Studios have been  racking in a Fortune with its Franchises..

So the same reasons for Alien Covenant being as it is, is so FOX can indeed make more money than maybe original ideas would have.

If they feel a Movie with Predators and Humans vs other Superior Predators will give a Popcorn Action Flick that makes more money than a attempt at a more Serious Movie like the First Predator... then i guess its FOX's Franchise and they will do what they think will make money.

And Sadly Super Hero type, Avatar type Flicks are what are the Rage at the moment and make more Money.


MemberYoung BloodMay-16-2017 8:27 AM

Someone of Facebook wrote, and I totally agree with them, "I just want to see a remake where the Predators just decide to rip out people's spines instead of adding them on Facebook." Predators don't need the help from humans to do anything. It's a ridiculous thought. Even if it's an "abomination" they're able to get rid of it themselves. I'm just having a hard time trying to figure out what Shane Black is thinking by having preds and humans work together (if that is in fact what's going on here). Preds in military clothes makes my blood boil even more. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. 


MemberElder PredatorMay-17-2017 2:46 AM

agreed BULLET i cant think of any non-laughable reason for this. Why would the Yautja come to Earth to chase down and kill a rogue abomination but forget their weapons and armour?! And if it's because they have been defeated, captured and/or forced to work with humans, that is even more pathetic. no way in hell a Yautja would submit itself to be sub-servant to anyone. 

I dont think even fanboys and kids would want to pay to see Predator in a tank!!!    

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