
Casting for The Predator has begun! Predator origins and agenda to be explored?
Scified2016-05-31 10:37:32
Written by Chris5,962 Reads2 Comments2016-05-31 10:37:32

Screenwriter for The Predator, Fred Dekker recently sat down with The Movie Crypt for one of their podcasts to discuss his collaboration with Shane Black on their Predator 4 project The Predator! During the interview, Dekker really dives in to their approach to the film's characters and to the Predator itself. He also reveals that casting has begun and that filming is still set to begin this September!

[talking about Predator] It’s relatively simple. Our idea was “we know that story already”. What’s behind the curtain? Why are they here? What are they doing? What’s the bigger picture of this? They’ve touched on it a little in the other films, in the AvPs and whatnot.

There’s a world out there…we know the Predators come from somewhere…we know they do. How did they get here? Why are they here? Those are questions I think you can answer, or at least explore, without defeating that sense of scariness. Who knows if their agenda has changed?

Fred Dekker goes on to relate The Predator to the likes of James Cameron's Aliens adding:

...It’s not Ten Little Indians. It’s not just let’s kill off all of our characters – we have a lot of characters from a lot of different worlds and ideologies. I don’t mean by that other planets. It’s a lot of people doing a lot of things in a lot of locations.

Head on over to The Movie Crypt to listen to the whole podcast! Thanks to AvPGalaxy for the tip! Banner artwork by cantas78 on DeviantArt.

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberFugitive PredatorMay-31-2016 3:17 PM

Well i hope they really consider the A-Z of the Predator Origins and Agenda and get the back bones for the Origin and Agenda settled on.

So we dont end up with the confusion and change of plans that we had with the Space Jockey and Xeno Origins. From Alien.


MemberElder PredatorMay-31-2016 6:56 PM

sounds interesting now that all things considered aside from the typical "hunter" plot.....

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