
Behind-The-Scenes: The Emissary Predators
Scified2018-10-03 07:22:19
Written by Chris17,964 Reads4 Comments2018-10-03 07:22:19

Prior to The Predator's third act re-shoots during the early months of 2018, the film was going to feature two Emissary Predators, who would have worked alongside the Loonies in combating the Upgrade Predator. Many fans who followed us throughout The Predator's production will recall set photos leaking which showed Predators in army fatigues, riding tanks with some of the Loonies' cast. Unfortunately, this entire angle of the story was completely removed.

Thankfully however, one of the suit actors, Kyle Strauts has taken to Instagram lately to share some photos from his time on set and give us a clearer look at what these Emissary Predators would have looked like! Check them out:

Are you disappointed the scenes involving the Emissary Predators were removed? Or are you glad their involvement was cut? Let us know your opinions in the comments section below!

Shout out to AvP Galaxy for the heads up!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!


G. H. (Gman)

AdminSuper PredatorOct-03-2018 8:49 AM

Honestly wish they were in the film so we could have had more practical Predator action. Though these creatures in US military fatigues is pretty silly looking.


AdminBroken TuskOct-05-2018 4:08 PM

Agreed, I wish they had remained included as well. I'm sure they could've pulled off the army fatigues look.


MemberSuper PredatorOct-05-2018 5:25 PM

Generally, a Predator who can cloak and wears cammo seems pointless.


MemberCity HunterOct-05-2018 8:59 PM

I'm in for the practical effects, but not in favor of an alliance between predators and humans, at best they have to ignore humans when not killing them in self defense,  like the fugitive predator did.

Even the scene from Predators, when the captive predator allowed Royce to escape using their ship seemed far fetched.


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