
Arnold Schwarzenegger to meet with Shane Black to discuss potential casting in The Predator (Predator 4)!
Scified2016-03-06 17:51:32
Written by Chris7,460 Reads2 Comments2016-03-06 17:51:32

Arnold Schwarzenegger has revealed that he will be meeting with old time Predator co-star as well as director of the upcoming fourth sequel, The Predator, Shane Black following the Arnold Sports Festival, which is currently ongoing. In a recent interview from the festival, The Arnold Fans managed to scored an exclusive interview with Schwarzenegger, where he confirmed the upcoming meeting:

Predator - Poor Hawkins

Schwarzenegger:  "I haven’t talked with him (Shane Black) yet but I’m going to meet with him for lunch sometime soon. Just as soon as I’m finished with this (Arnold’s Sports Festival) and "The Apprentice" and all this stuff. But I will get together with him. If there is any news, we’ll of course let you know right away. There’s also a meeting coming up soon about Conan, about the project moving forward."

"Look, the fans are the most important thing because without the fans, I’d be nothing,” Schwarzenegger tells TheArnoldFans. "So I just always want them to know that I appreciate them very much; their loyalty, their dedication, and their passion about all the stuff that i’m doing. So, thank you."

Predator - All Muddied Up

Previously, the last we heard from Arnold concerning Predator 4 was back in July of last year, where he expressed his displeasure with the sequels, feeling like none of them lived up to the original. It's possible, with things finally set in motion for The Predator, that his interest for the franchise has been re-ignited. As more news comes up for The Predator as well as Schwarzenegger's potential involvement, keep it locked to Scified!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberYoung BloodMar-06-2016 7:33 PM

That would be awesome. For it to be a true sequel, we have to know what happened to Dutch!? That is about the biggest mystery in the franchise there is? 


MemberYoung BloodMar-07-2016 3:29 AM
Promo from COMMANDO (1985) era

I can imagine a real hunting party, with Arnold returning (even a trilogy). They certainly need to be creative in a way they haven't been, since the first go. I almost can envision his character, being the King of Predators; as he was snapped-up by them sometime after the first film, and taken to their homeworld. His aging process slowed incredibly there; eventually, he became their supreme ruler (like Governator in Califorina). Plus of course, he relished in all the pleasures of this world; however, after several hundred years, he became bored and desired to return to Earth ...with his Predator army (also a secret agneda concerning immorality). I think it's about time for Arnold to play a baddy, again (wishful thinking, I know).

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