
Arnold Schwarzenegger Talks Predator 4
Scified2015-07-04 11:48:19
Written by Chris7,235 Reads4 Comments2015-07-04 11:48:19

Arnold Schwarzenegger recently took part in a Reddit Q&A about his latest film Terminator Genisys. During the interview, one fan in the audience asked if he would be returning for the next Predator movie which is currently in development at 20th Century Fox. Unfortunately, Schwarzenegger mentions that he has not in fact been contacted yet about a role in the fourth sequel, which is said to take place directly after the original film, which he and director Shane Black both starred in. Arnold also makes a point of expressing his displeasure with the Predator sequels which had been made - adding that the cheaper route is not always the better route when it comes to Studio decisions to hire directors and cast. You can listen to what Arnold had to say below, his discussion about Predator 4 takes place roughly 14 minutes into the video:

Would you like to see Schwarzenegger return for Predator 4? Let us know in the comments section! Thanks to AvPG for the news!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!


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MemberYoung BloodOct-17-2015 6:32 AM

Predator 2 was under rated, Actually liked it.  Predators was also good, not brilliant, but it was good.  The AVP were totally rubbish. So if theres going to be a another predator, Hope he fights someone like the ROCK back in the jungle. That be epic.


MemberFugitive PredatorFeb-15-2016 3:57 PM

Yeah Predator 2 was not bad.. but not great.. Predators also not bad... PROBLEM you have and the next Movie will have the same... is PREDATOR was a Great Movie a First, and its hard to Top it...  You get movies were you just cant beat the First One... Ghostbuster included...  sometimes you can get a decent attempt like Aliens to Alien or Terminator 2 to Terminator but you can never quite match the Original... sometimes you can, sometimes you cant.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminSuper PredatorFeb-15-2016 10:15 PM

^Pretty much this. Trying to catch lightning in a bottle twice is very difficult. Especially in the same location. I don't expect Predator 4 to be much better than, say, Predators (which I think is a truly well made little film), but I don't want them to sink into AvP levels of lunacy. It's fun for an occasion, but not a stand out for repeat viewings.


AdminBroken TuskFeb-15-2016 10:24 PM

Agreed guys, it can't be a re-hash. They need to explore new ground. What made PREDATORS cool is it took place on another planet. The downside is I wasn't hugely fond of the casting and we didn't get to see much else of the PREDATOR culture, besides a few short cut-scenes. I'd say, set it in the future, on a remote planet. Not a Predator hunting ground either, maybe a colony? I'd be happy with an expansion of the franchise, like Prometheus is doing for Alien. If it goes the route of Jurassic World or Star Wars, in which they rely heavily on a tried and true formula, I feel it won't live up to expectations. It needs a new angle.

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