
Another unused Predator dog concept by Kyle Brown
Scified2019-01-07 18:23:06
Written by Chris16,052 Reads3 Comments2019-01-07 18:23:06

Concept artist Kyle Brown has shared another unused concept for the Predator Dog from Shane Black's The Predator (2018). Like the other unused designs, this concept blends a four-legged alien with Predator DNA. Check it out:

Source: Instagram

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MemberFugitive PredatorJan-07-2019 6:45 PM

Pretty Interesting Concept!

It would have been interesting to explore a Predator Home-world but its a case of do Disney new feel there would be little interest in any sequels considering the Disappointment of The Predator... so this Franchise is in a bit of a Pickle like the ALIEN Franchise.

Disney seem to like there Pop-corn Super Hero Genre... and for them maybe a AVP Reboot is the way forwards.


MemberElder PredatorJan-08-2019 8:56 PM


Disney needs to sell this franchise to a company that would take better care of it, perhaps Legendary or Universal.


MemberBloodedJan-09-2019 6:56 AM

I have also been thinking of how the alien franchise could continue. It's been fourty years after Alien 1 was released. The sequels were directed by top directors. And the franchise is still alive. Four decades and there are still sequels, games and comics. There are other film series which didn't get much care. What I think won't happen is a reboot. The first film is a classic. They won't be able to create the same cult status with a reboot. So they continue to make sequels and spin-offs (AvP). It's like Star Wars. You don't make a reboot of the first film. You leave it alone and create sequels that have similar elements and feel like a reboot. That's why there will be a continuation of Alien Covenant and maybe also one that takes place after Alien 4.

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