20th Century Fox have promised that The Predator, the fourth Predator film in the series will be a massive spectacle with a huge budget that aims to re-invent the franchise, according to director Shane Black! In a recent interview with Thrillist, Shane discussed the conversation he and Fox had concerning the continuation of the Predator legacy. Black's original hesitation was a result of Fox's track record with the property, given Alien vs. Predator and AvP: Requiem's negative backlash as well as the luke warm reception to Robert Rodriguez's Predators from 2010. All three of those films had been lower budget, quickly produced instalments. Though they made a decent profit, it seems Fox is favoring quality over quantity when it comes to the nex chapter in their beloved Predator saga. Shane gained assurance from the studio that Predator 4 - The Predator would be given just as much attention and consideration as Ridley Scott's Alien prequel, Prometheus. Below is an excerpt from Thrillist where Shane discusses his conversation with Fox:
“They called me and I was reluctant. I said, “Look. You guys at Fox, I mean, I enjoy these movies, but we’ve been churning out these AVP whatever, they each cost a certain amount of money, they’re okay, but there’s no effort to elevate them or make them any kind of an event.” They’re just sort of another Predator. “Oh, there’s another one that came out.” They said, “What if we said to you we want to reinvent this, and really treat it with as much of an event status, or as much hoopla as we would the Alien prequel, which is coming out also? We really want to make this something. The kind of movie that people line up for.” I said, “Really, you’ll spend a bunch of money?” They go, “Yep.” I go, “Make it really scale, spectacle?” “Yep.” “Shit, that sounds interesting.”
When asked if Arnold Schwarzenegger would be reprising his role as Dutch in The Predator, Shane replied by saying that they were "still in talks".
It's reassuring to know that Fox are treating this next Predator film with so much respect and consideration. As production continues to move forward on the project, be sure to check back often for the latest updates!
Source: Thrillist
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