
1922 star Thomas Jane talks about The Predator!
Scified2017-11-01 01:33:53
Written by Gavin17,456 Reads4 Comments2017-11-01 01:33:53

In the late 1980's and early 90's science fiction action movies reigned supreme, it really was a golden age for the sub-genre - we had Aliens in 1986, followed by RoboCop and Predator in 1987, Predator 2 in 1990, and Terminator 2: Judgment Day in 1991. Yet here we are three decades later and the testosterone that oozed from these cult classics has been diluted and weakened. 2013's RoboCop completely missed the point of what made the original so compelling, 2015's Terminator: Genisys outright terminated its own franchise, and Alien: Covenant has divided fans more than its predecessor Prometheus. With 2010's Predators having all but remade the original movie the hopes and attention of sci-fi action movie fans now turns to Shane Black, co-star and contributing writer to the original Predator movie. Can Black's The Predator bring back the golden age of hard-edged, no-nonsense sci-fi movies?

Although we won't truly know until the movie releases August 3rd, 2018 two teams of thought are gathering around this movie. The first is optimistic that Black, the creative mind behind the Lethal Weapon movies can deliver a unique and compelling Predator movie that will explore the mythology of the property and open the franchise up to further expansion and greater investment moving forward. The second team of thought, however, is worried, very worried that what Black will deliver will be a low-budget rehash of previously seen elements thrown together with no respect or reverence to the property or its history.

Speaking recently to Shadow Nation star of The Punisher (2004) and The Mist (2007) American actor Thomas Jane, who recently amazed audiences with his portrayal of Wilfred James in Netflix's recent adaptation of Stephen King's 1922 (pictured above), revealed some compelling new information about the plot of The Predator...

"We play these veterans from like Afghanistan, Iraq war or whatever. But we're all fucking crazy so we go to the VA hospital to get our meds. We're all like shellshocked, PTSD... soldiers. We're at the VA hospital and we're in group therapy and of course, somebody flips out... this is backstory, I don't think we really see this... somebody flips out and we all get arrested and get thrown onto the bus to go down to the hospital and they throw this other guy on the bus too."

"And he's a guy they've actually marked to kill him because he's seen a UFO, he's seen the Predator ships come down so they lock him up and throw him in with us lunatics. They're going to take that bus, drive it down to a ditch and shoot us all just to get rid of this one guy But, of course, we take the bus over and we're all like 'fuck that man, let's go kill these fucking Predators ourselves' and we're just crazy enough to believe that this guy really did see a UFO and there's these aliens out there."

Depending upon what team of thought you adhere to will determine how you take this new information on board. Supporters of The Predator will see the mention of veteran soldiers as a step in the right direction, back towards the original Predator movie, whereas detractors of The Predator will be growing ever more worried about the movies narrative direction.

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberElder PredatorNov-01-2017 3:19 AM

Thanks for sharing Gavin! Thomas Jane is a top actor, glad he'll be in this film.

I am worried...but gritting-my-teeth, clenched-fist optimistic that this will be the expansive and progressive film this franchise needs. Not to mention a classic Sci-fi film that finally hits the mark today, after the several recent misfires you mention above. 

Damn it, come on Shane Black, do it justice!! 


MemberYoung BloodNov-02-2017 6:25 PM

Thomas Jane forgot to say he teams up with friendly preds....Wich is an unforgivable fail.We need the good old formula which made the predator franchise great in the first place, a bunch of real badasses and a good old predator hunting them for sport.Not a bunch of badasses wannabe and a kid...


MemberYoung BloodNov-04-2017 2:54 AM



MemberElder PredatorNov-08-2017 2:41 PM

Predator_Spirit strongly disagree sorry. The 'good old formula' is what is keeping this franchise back. Time for something new, and a shake up of the universe.

This film may or may not not be it, but it will hopefully open the door for some new ideas and fresh ground to be covered. Not just a bunch of badasses and a predator hunting them in a different location each time. 

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